Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Trick…or Treat?

Another Halloween is upon us and soon the little ones (and even the big ones) will be decked out in their costumes and clamoring from house to house in their attempts to fill their buckets full of candy.  This holiday was always a treat and sometimes I miss those fun-filled times with my boys… 
…when the weather is decent anyway.  When it’s very chilly and especially when it’s chilly with a touch of rain, you can have it.  I hear the rain pitter-pattering on the roof outside and I don’t envy the parents who will be out in this weather tomorrow night, should the rain decide to stick around.  That’s a real trick by Mother Nature.

This year we didn’t do much for Halloween, other than decorate the house and carve pumpkins.  Carving pumpkins has become a tradition, and a treat, I don’t believe I could stop if I wanted’s too much of a challenge as we all do our best to outdo each other:

 We are past the age of trick-or-treating and unfortunately we weren’t able to make it to any Halloween parties this year.  We did attend a friend’s 50th birthday party where the decorations were as black as the clothing worn by all the guests.  I have since decided that when I turn 50, and if I agree to have a party thrown in my honor as a way to actually admit it, I will plead with all the guests to wear colorful clothes.  Please, please, please…prove to me that the age of 50 can be rich, lively and vibrant. 

We’re now at the end of yet another month and from here on out, the days will fly by at warp speed as I move into National Novel Writing Month, prepare for family gatherings for Thanksgiving, get all my shopping and baking done for Christmas and prepare to ring in another New Year.  Can you hear the countdown already?  Watching time fly by so fast without losing your grip…now that’s a real trick!

If you enjoy celebrating Halloween, have an enjoyable evening.  If this is a holiday you don’t recognize, have a terrific Thursday.  Either way, I hope you enjoy whatever tricks or treats find their way to you today.

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