Not much of
a post this evening due to an extremely busy schedule this week. I am at the tail end of the NaNoWriMo
challenge and am very close to making the goal of 50,000 words. There are only two days left and after what I
wrote tonight, I have less than 2,000 words until I beat the challenge. I’m so close I can taste it but I won’t be
finishing tonight because my eyes are burning and I think I need a good night’s
rest. I’ve decided I should be a good
girl and get to bed early.
In the
meantime, I thought I would share with you this handy little word chart the
NaNoWriMo organization kept for me while I was writing. It shows just how well I was able to hit my
mark just about every day. The chart also
shows I have only 1,923 words remaining which I can easily finish tomorrow
night after having added 2,007 words today.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Just Checking In…
Sunday, November 25, 2012
After the Turkey Coma
Sad to say
this is the last day of a four-day holiday weekend. All good things must come to an end, I
suppose. And it certainly was a good
for us was a very good day. We spent the
holiday with both sides of the family and had a great visit with everyone. The only negative to celebrating the holiday
this way is that we split the day up between families and actually had turkey
dinner not once, but twice. I guess you
could say we had a full meal at 2:30 pm and a light meal at 6:30 pm because
that was all our pour tummies could take.
I did not
even have dessert the second time around and for me, that’s saying a lot because
I can usually make room for pumpkin pie.
So the
holiday was a long day full of family, fun and feasting and we enjoyed every
minute of it. It ended with the need to
get a good night’s sleep to shake off the turkey coma and a silent promise to
myself to diet from the day after Thanksgiving until Christmas dinner.
That was
until I saw all the leftovers we’d be taking home.
I quickly
realized the diet would have to be put off just a bit longer. Enjoying a long weekend while also not having
to worry about what’s for dinner is my idea of a terrific weekend.
Friday and
Saturday were days I knew I would set aside for writing because I had taken a
few days off up through Thanksgiving. I
was a bit behind on my word count due to this but I knew I could probably make
up for it during those two full days and that I would also have today to write
if I needed it.

I wrote over
10,000 words on Friday and Saturday alone, bringing my total word count to just
under 44,500 and only about 5,500 from my final goal.
I’m so happy
with the amount of writing I was able to accomplish because my required word
count every night after work this week won’t feel out of reach. There are only five days left of the
NaNoWriMo challenge and with only 5,500 words left to reach my goal, I know I’ve
already won the challenge. This from the
person who had first doubted it could even be done –
Just goes to
show what happens when doubt turns into determination.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Giving Thanks
It is the
end of a short work week, the beginning of a long 4-day weekend and just a few
hours shy of what will soon be Thanksgiving.
This will be my first Thanksgiving post on my Blog and I thought I would
share with you what I am most thankful for.
I adore my
husband and my boys and I give thanks every day for every minute I get to spend
with them. I give thanks for the fact
that I was able to marry someone who is truly my best friend and will always be
there for me. And I give thanks for my
sons, who are both not only great kids but awesome individuals in their own
right, and I treasure the fact that I am a part of their lives.
I give thanks
for the rest of my family…my parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles,
in-laws and beyond. I also give thanks
to my friends.
I am
thankful for my home, my job, my health and so many other things. The list, really, could go on and on. Overall, I have much to be thankful for and
which I will continue to be thankful for way beyond this day when we are asked
to give thanks.
As we should
appreciate those who help shape our lives, we should also appreciate the individual
we have become based on the influence of those who greatly affect us. I am thankful for my abilities, for my craft
as a writer, for my strength and for my independent personality.
is a nice way to get the family together, show our appreciation for each other
and offer our thanks for that which could be taken from us on a whim. I hope
you too have much to be thankful for and that you get to spend this holiday
with those who mean the most to you.
Thanksgiving Everyone!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Kids are the Best Medicine
I’ve been
journaling for a very long time. Not
that I’m especially old or anything but I received my first diary when I was
about ten years old and from that moment on, it has never crossed my mind not to journal.
Every few
years, I find myself reading through some of my old journals. It is enjoyable to read back through old
memories, good times and about family who have passed on. It helps to see how much I’ve grown and
changed through the good times and the bad.
You think so much differently when you are in middle school, in high
school and as you work your way through college and enter the work force. You change even more after you marry, have
children and build a career.
While I
enjoy reading through journals as a way to remember what has happened in the
past, I especially enjoy reading entries about my boys. I’ve been writing about them since before
they were born. The struggles during
pregnancy, the excitement after their birth and the worries we had as new
parents only led to many more journal entries from the boys’ first toothless
grins (most likely due to gas) to the achievements they have earned as young
The boys
have brought me immense happiness as a mother and what I truly adore is that
they have also brought humor to our lives.
Life is too serious. We need to
enjoy those around us and see the humor in all things. Having kids around you pretty much forces you
to do just that. Kids look at life in
wonder and with laughter but as adults, we tend to lose that attitude.
Kids add a necessary element to life to help
make you feel young.
Wave Runners |
You may be wondering
what has caused me to write about this particular subject. You would be correct if you guessed I had
been reading through some past journal entries.
But not just past journal entries about their childhood; it is actually
a compilation of entries I have made over the years whenever the boys said or
did something I thought was very humorous.
For any new parents out there, if you do not journal, at least make a
point of keeping track of highlights such as funny thoughts or comments or
actions your child surprises you with. On
those days when you need a good laugh or reminder about a special memory, these
little entries will be just the ticket to lighten your heavy heart and make you
remember to take stock in the good times.
Here are
some examples of entries I made when my boys were younger that still make me
laugh to this day:
From my
youngest, who asked with all sincerity: “Mom,
do you think I should clip my four pinky toenails?”
From my
oldest to my youngest, “You’re like a broken record…except you do different
My youngest is
five years younger than his brother and did not quite understand the makings of
high school when my oldest was voted to be in the Freshman Court. Of course, my husband and I were thrilled to
hear this news from our son. When my
youngest asked me if his brother was the king, I told him no and was about to
say his brother was more like a prince when he asked, “Then what is he? The joker?”
And while
kids do make you feel young, there are those times when they say something to
make you feel just a tad bit older.
Especially when they have a conversation with you like this:
Mom, did you live in the 90’s?
YesSon: Were you an adult or a kid?
Me: An adult
Son: Was it in black and white?
Oh boy. You can see how sometimes kids might make you
feel old. He thought the 90’s was so
long ago it would have been in black and white!
Even funnier is that kids actually believe people, not just television
shows, were in black and white. My son
was only eight at the time so of course I forgave him.
Even if kids
say something to make you feel old, it will most likely also make you smile or
laugh. Or maybe it will make another
person laugh at your expense. Regardless
of who laughs, kids and their sense of humor are the best medicine. I hope you get to see the humor in life as
often as the children in your own life do.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
The Half-Way Point
I am just
about half way through the NaNoWriMo challenge and while I worried and fretted
some before the challenge even began, I should have known better. I am much too competitive and when I set my
sights on something, it’s really hard for me to turn away from the task.
If you did
not read my post about NaNoWriMo earlier this month, it is a 30-day challenge in
November of every year with the goal of writing at least 50,000 words of a new
Thousands of writers get involved in this
I am just
one of many, obviously, but this challenge has nothing to do with the rest of
the contestants. Instead, it has
everything to do with what I can accomplish during this challenge, regardless
of how well others may do.
So how am I
doing so far?

I already
see myself hitting that goal.
Part of the
reason a writer might do well in this challenge may be based on how much they
enjoy what they are creating. I have no
doubt that’s the case for me. For this
challenge I am writing the second book in the Jorja Matthew’s Mystery series
and I am having extreme fun writing again.
reviewing, editing, marketing or publishing…just writing. I’m back in the bookstore with Jorja and
Taylor, investigating a new case, meeting new characters and still trying to
solve the mystery surrounding Jorja’s past.
I get lost in the story, the characters and the mysteries. And I love every single minute of it.
On that
note, I need to get back to writing so that when I submit my word count for the
day, I’ll still be ahead of the game.
I’ll be back
on Sunday but until then, enjoy the rest of your week. Sunday, November 11, 2012
In the Eye of the Beholder
What is
beautiful to you? The people you love,
the great outdoors, artwork, meals created from scratch, or a relaxing song?
We all see
beauty but we may see it differently than the next person. It’s what makes us the same but also very
There are
many things I find beautiful, some of which I found during a recent day trip to
Portland I’d like to share with you…
The changes
in the season as the trees turn color:Overlook at Washington Park |
The careful planning
it takes to lay stone work with the expectation that it will survive years of
wear and tear:
Entrance to Japanese Gardens at Washington Park |
The details on
a statue made by a meticulous artist:
Washington Park statue |
Meals made
with care by would-be chefs at Oregon Culinary Institute who only wish to impress (and did a damn fine job
of it too):
Smokey Lentil Soup |
Chocolate Dream Torte (truly heavenly!) |
The unexpected surprise of a delightful idea on what to do with odds and ends such as salt and pepper shakers:
Salt & Pepper chess board |
non-book lovers would have to agree, this store is amazing. It covers a whole city block, plus some, with
three main levels. It contains over
68,000 square feet or, for property owners who might understand this
description, it is about 1.6 acres of retail floor space. The store and on-line inventory for new, used
and out-of-print books is apparently over four million.
It is,
without a doubt, the largest bookstore I believe I will ever see in my
lifetime. I’ve been there twice so far
and I have every intention of going back.
After my
trip to Portland, I came across another very cool fact regarding Powell’s
Books. There is a sandstone carving
outside one of Powell’s entrances called the Pillar of Books. This sandstone carving depicts a stack of
eight of the world’s greatest books and the sandstone actually came from the quarry
from my hometown. That is a cool fact on
a personal level and one reason I would view the pillar differently than
someone else. However, I did not get to
see the Pillar of Books for myself because I entered the store from the other
side of the block.
I guess that
will be just one more reason to go back.
And I can't wait.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
From the Bottom of my Heart
My first
published book, No Mother of Mine, has
been available as an eBook and in paperback for a few months now. While I enjoyed writing the book and I’ve enjoyed
reading it myself throughout the process of preparation for publication, there
have always been questions in the back of my mind…will others also enjoy my
story? Will they fall in the love with
the characters? Will the plot and the
storyline be enough to draw them in, keep them hooked and make them wanting for
If you haven’t
read the reviews on Amazon yet, check them out if you are curious. I enjoyed reading each review and while there
are just under a handful yet, I hope to see the number of reviews increase as
time goes on. Except for the lucky few,
this process takes baby steps; I just have to remember that fact.
When you
publish a book your biggest fans are, of course, your family and friends. I have been contacted by many of them either
by text, e-mail, on Facebook, by phone and even in the middle of a store or
parking lot. The feedback I receive is
either that they really enjoyed my book or that they are very excited for me
and are happy to see me go after my dream.
Today I was stopped in the Target parking lot by an acquaintance who
shared how happy she was for me and how she feels I motivate others. She doesn’t know it but she made my day with
just a few simple kind words.
My anxiety
has been put to rest; while I know not everyone may give me a four or five star
rating, the comments I’ve received have shown me I’m really on to something
here. Others have enjoyed my story and
the characters. The story has drawn them
in and they are hooked and many have asked when the second book in the series
will be available. I’m working on it now
but I can only guess on when it might be available…sometime next year is all I
will commit to at this point.
Because I
have thoroughly enjoyed the comments I have received from my friends and
family, I thought I would share a few of them with you:
Just finished it over lunch and loved it. Sally
I am overly tired this morning…why you ask?
Oh there’s this book I couldn’t put down. It’s one of those that you just need to keep
reading because you need to know ‘what the heck?’ But heck I thought I had several things
figured out at times and bam it twisted somewhere completely different! Kim
I finished your book last night…Absolutely
loved it!! Awesome, can’t wait for the
next one… Peggy
I read the
book and I'm hooked. I can't say enough about it…One of the best books that I
have EVER read. Barbara
Hi Paula,
just finished your book. Great read! Are you done with the next one yet? :o) Darrin
Hi Paula, I
purchased the eBook yesterday on Amazon, started reading, and finished it just
now. It was really a great book, you have done yourself well! :) I will look
forward to your sequel to it and have already told friends about it and they
are going to get one also. Sherrill
Hey PJ, I
just finished your book this morning! I really enjoyed it! Can't wait until the
next one comes out! Shelley
enjoyed your book very much. Especially the little twists in there with the…(sorry,
no spoilers allowed). Patti These types of comments motivate me to continue doing what I love and I appreciate each and every person who reaches out to me. The feedback helps to eliminate any second-guessing, anxiety and even self-doubt, which come with the territory when what you have created with your heart and soul is being assessed and critiqued by anyone and everyone once you become brave enough to finally share your creation. These feelings would not come into play if a writer’s chance at success did not completely depend on the likes and dislikes of others. But the real truth is that your success after publishing is completely dependent on the likes of others.
A writer
should write for themselves but the goal is also to get others to enjoy the
book just as much as you do. Even if it
takes awhile for the fire to light after publishing, if you have a good solid
story that others can enjoy and tell their friends about, eventually the domino
effect will take hold. That is a day I
hold my breath for so in the meantime, I will write for myself and I will also
write with the knowledge that it is those who enjoy my books who will continue
to encourage and motivate me with their kind and thoughtful words.
Thanks again, from the bottom of my heart.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
My Latest Challenge
I mentioned
in my last post that I was taking part in a new challenge.

Try writing
half a book in one month.
That’s the
challenge for November. It is National
Novel Writing Month or, as writers know it: NaNoWriMo.
What is
NaNoWriMo all about? It happens every
year in November. New writers get
involved. Seasoned writers get involved. The challenge is to write at least 50,000
words of a new novel during the month of November. It breaks down to an average of 1,667 words
every day.
I had
already made up my mind earlier in the year to join the group in order to see
whether or not I could win the challenge.
What’s the prize, you ask? Pride
in your achievement and a great feeling of accomplishment. There’s that and the fact that you’ve been
able to write at least half your book in 30 days.
Not to
mention a little badge of honor as a NaNoWriMo winner.
it. Winners gain pride and a badge. The organization does not hand out money or
publishing contracts. This is a
challenge based on the honor system. You
don’t start writing until November first and you submit your word count
every day you write. Do some people cheat
by starting early? Maybe. But why?
If money or fame were involved, I guess there might be those who would
cheat but this is an individual challenge.
You do it just to see whether or not you can reach your goal.
I have been
itching to start writing again but the marketing involved with No Mother of Mine has taken a lot of my
time and I did not want to cheat by starting the second book in the series
before November first. I worked on it in
other ways though; writing notes about different scenes and new character
ideas, making notes about other ideas I have for the storyline, researching
help tips for taking part in NaNoWriMo and just doing whatever I could to be
prepared for November first when I could finally put the words on paper. I am now very, very happy to be writing the
second book in the Jorja Matthew’s Mysteries and I cannot wait to see how far I
get in the story by the end of this month.
I honestly
was wary at first that this challenge was even going to be possible. Ten hours of my day are spent away from home
due to work. I have other obligations as
well. I’ve been dealing with time
management issues ever since I began writing No Mother of Mine in August of 2011, which took me four months to
write in addition to another eight months to prepare it before publishing. I began to doubt myself before I even began,
which is a terrible way to begin anything.
But then the
first came around and I began to write.
It was a Thursday so I had to work and then I spent some time with my
family before I headed to my office to type.
I actually amazed myself. I began
to type and the words flowed easily.
Before I knew it, I had 2,005 words.
Friday was a bit more difficult.
I had a stressful day at work and unwound by playing board games with my
family before writing but I still managed a word count of 1,091. Yesterday was a great day where I was able to
reach 3,064 for my daily word count and today was a bit less at only 1,433, but
only because I had another project I needed to complete as well.
though, I’m right on track. In fact, I’m
above the average word count for four days.
To be on track my total word count by today should be 6,668 but my total
is 7,593.
thrilled. I’ve been able to alleviate my
fears and I know there is a very good chance I will reach my word count goal at
the end of the month. I’ll be updating
my blog now and then throughout the month to let you know how I am doing with
this challenge.
I had read
various blogs by other authors who have taken part in NaNoWriMo in past years
and there was a mix of positive versus negative. Some authors have not been able to make it to
50,000 words. Many authors became
NaNoWriMo and later published the books they started during the challenge. Others found it to be a great way to
encourage themselves to put in a lot of work in a short amount of time. However, some seasoned authors don’t
appreciate the idea of newbie or would-be authors believing in the concept that
they can write a book in a month if they aren’t able to accomplish that goal
any other time during the rest of the year.
It is not my
belief that anyone could write a novel in a month.
You can
write a shitty first draft, yes.
But not a
novel ready for publication.
just gives you the motivation to get moving.
To see what you can do. If you
cannot motivate yourself to accomplish what appears to be an unattainable goal,
then it is unlikely anyone else would be able to motivate you to reach those
same goals. Either way, to be a success,
it is much sweeter if you do it for yourself rather than for others. I like to keep in mind this quote:
“Keep steadily before you the fact
that all true success depends at last upon yourself.”
~Theodore T. Hunger~
While doubt
may rear its ugly head now and then, it is in pushing through the fears and
doubts that will make you believe in yourself even more and will make you that much
stronger to take on the next seemingly unattainable goal.
I’m through
with doubt. Instead I'm on a better route towards
my goal. Wish me luck!
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