It’s the time of year when many make note of what they are
thankful for – when I think about my journey as a writer, I am very thankful
for those who continue to believe in me and who maintain a continuance presence,
even if they wait somewhat impatiently for me to share more stories with them. Some day, I do hope to publish more than one book
per year, but until then I appreciate the patience, understanding and
motivation I continue to receive from others who enjoy my work and who care
about my journey as a writer.

Everyone deals with
grief in their own way. Death can bring
families closer together; sometimes it can tear them apart. Only time can heal the wounds to build
stronger relationships and while some relationships survive, sadly, others do
not. This is the story of two parents
who suffer a great loss and attempt to build a new relationship with the memory
of their loved one between them. But as
they both work through their grief, their relationship is threatened by many things…fear,
anger, selfishness, even greed. As
husband and wife tend to their needs to survive the numbing loss, one of them
must become acutely aware of these threats in order to change their fate.
Obviously, the premise behind the story may seem a little dark
and depressing, but it was therapeutic for me.
It also gave me something to sink my teeth in to because the story involved
a mixed bag, to include grief, relationships, numerology and spirituality, and in
the end, the story took on its own twist, which always makes me happy as a
writer because I enjoy it when characters surprise me.
So as a thank you to those who continue to support my dreams
as a writer, I want to share this latest story with you. If you want to obtain your free copy, check it out on Amazon, where the eBook will continue to be available for free
through Sunday.
Unbelievably, we can now check one more holiday off the
calendar as we move towards the end of another year. I hope everyone was able to enjoy their
Thanksgiving holiday and that you are now enjoying the weekend.
Take care, have a terrific weekend and, as always, thanks
for following!