I recently attended a writers’ conference and while I may
not have attended with any actual thought of what I wanted, the conference provided
me with exactly what I needed. With a
great lineup of speakers and a full day of learning, I was able to connect with
like minds, find new inspiration, learn helpful tips and tricks relating to
writing and marketing and most importantly, add a good amount of nourishment to
my creative soul in order to fuel my passion for writing.
What did I learn throughout my day at the conference?
Here’s an overview:
- Useful approaches to great book cover designs – you really can’t deny that readers usually judge by the cover.
- Artistic Perseverance – remembering why I want to write and committing to that; consistently putting in the work while also reading, studying, and connecting with others; building my life around the necessity to write; and remembering that we’re not all perfect, it can take time and sometimes you have to surrender and move on to something else but to always remember my reason for writing and to never give up.
- Developing characters and crafting conflict – since my characters and I have had an on-again, off-again relationship for awhile, this class was well worth my time as it made me think about questions I should be asking while the characters navigate through the story and interact with each other.
- Social media strategies – the presenter provided many useful tips and so many ideas about different tools to use that I have to find some time to check them all out, but I’m excited about utilizing many of them. I feel like I’m starting over again, in a way, when it comes to my online presence and many of her ideas will really help me as I complete and publish my next book.
- Marketing strategies – this has always been the subject I dislike the most…selling yourself is not an easy thing to do for many. But this presenter was excellent. From creating a plan, to creating systems, investing in yourself, networking with others, creating newsletters, promotions and sales…and everything in between, she was excited about her work and she made me excited about it too. She provided useful ways to tackle this difficult part of the business and even more surprising, she made me believe I can succeed, and possibly have fun at it, as well.
With everything I learned from each presenter, what I really
gained from the conference was this:
excitement. It is addicting. And I refuse to let that feeling go.
The creative nourishment I gained at this conference has
already caused me to lose sleep because I can’t wait to completely dig back the
layers of noise in my head that have kept my characters muted for so long. I know this will sound weird, and if you’re
not a writer you might not understand, but I feel awful about shutting out my
characters for so long.
The drought I’ve been in is over.
I’ve had a rough go for long enough, with a wild roller coaster
ride of emotional ups and downs that has been difficult to maneuver through. The control freak in me has definitely felt
out of control. But it’s time for me to
take back control of what I am passionate about, remember why I’m passionate
about it, and make a conscious and constant effort to stick to the path I
started a few years ago.
So long drought – hello creativity.
Have a great week!