Sunday, December 30, 2012

My Top Ten Posts of 2012

Tomorrow on December 31st, it will have been one year since I first began this Blog and opened myself up to family, friends and strangers about my passion to write.  Hard to believe a whole year has gone by already but time does have the knack of passing by at a fast pace.
I thought I would end the year of 2012 with a look back at some of my old posts; specifically, the ones that generated the most hits for one reason or another.  Out of 107 posts for the year, here are the top ten:

When dreams wake you up” is the first post on this Blog and also when I finally revealed my secret passion about writing.  How can someone keep something so important from friends and family for so long?  When you truly want something but aren’t sure how those closest to you are going to react, you might tend to keep quiet out of fear or due to a lack of confidence.  What I finally had to realize was that it was my own fear holding me back, not what I feared others would think about me, and it was also my lack of confidence that would hold me back if I didn’t step up to take ownership of what I wanted and believe in myself and my capabilities.  If you don’t believe in yourself, why should anyone else?
Mystery subject is revealed” was posted after comments and questions from friends and family once they read the news about my book.  Needless to say, there was quite a bit of excitement from everyone and the most asked question was what type of book I had authored.

Don’t let life rule your Passion” is one of my favorite posts and gives some background about how and why I finally decided to stick with my desire to write a book.  My motto of “don’t let life rule your passion” is what helps me limit how the day-to-day grind affects my creativity and my goals with regard to writing.
My reading list lately…” is a post on the types of books I read as I prepared for the huge task of writing and publishing my book.  I will try to post more about books I read but over the past year my time to read has been pretty sporadic and I find I don’t get through books as quickly as I used to.  This is something I hope to change in the coming year because I believe in the advice that reading is an essential part of what it takes to help those who write.

From Hermit to Optimist” is a post I offered after my first week at my new job.  There are pros and cons when it comes to working in an office and I’ve seen both over the past ten months.  Sometimes I wonder if I shouldn’t have started another blog about the ups and downs of going back to work for someone else…
Motivation fueled by Inspiration” is a post I wrote because I found what truly inspired me in order to fuel my motivation to achieve the goals I wanted to reach.

Dogs: a great addition to any family
A (Wo)man’s Best Friend” is another favorite of mine about how important dogs are to our family.  There are some cute photos of the puppies as well. 
Book Cover Revealed!” is when I shared the book blurb as well as the final results of the book cover.

Dare I envy the Powerball Winner?” are my thoughts after taking some time off work about the same time there must have been a huge win from a Powerball drawing. 
Look Who Came to Visit” is what I posted after I finally received my book in paperback for the first proofing.  You can imagine how exciting it was for me to finally hold my book in my hands.

There you go.  My top ten posts for the past year. 
As I noted in my last post, this has been quite a year with the completion of my first book and all that the endeavor has involved.  With many changes also occurring in my personal and professional life, this will be a year to remember.  I look forward to 2013 and what it has to offer as I continue to write and move ahead towards goals that will bring positive change to my life.  I also will continue to post updates here as we move into 2013 and I hope you will continue to follow me as I move along in my journey.

Happy New Year!


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